Il Museo
Il Museo è collocato in un suggestivo palazzo storico del 1600, completamente restaurato, posto tra Bologna e Pistoia, immerso nel verde. Questa struttura, oltre ad una ricca collezione permanente, offre una serie di eventi culturali e mostre che saranno organizzate all’interno del Museo, ma anche in altre sedi.
Ogni visita sarà una vera sorpresa, anche perché è personalizzata. Infatti Morena ed Ernesto Vi accompagneranno all’interno di questa foresta di simboli, tutta da scoprire… e per questo motivo ricordate che occorre la prenotazione.
The Museum is set in an enchanting historical building of 1600, completely restored, situated between Bologna and Pistoia, among the woods.
This building, apart from being a rich permanent collection, offers a series of cultural events and exhibitions which will be organized not only inside the Museum, but also in the other centres.
Each visit will be a real surprise, also because it is personalized. In fact, Morena and Ernesto will accompany you inside this forest of symbols, all to discover….and for this reason please remember that reservation is needed.
Looking forward to seeing you!!!!!
giovedì 24 dicembre 2015
giovedì 10 dicembre 2015
martedì 21 luglio 2015
Giovanni Pelosini - Arte di Giuseppe Palumbo
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Giovanni Pelosini - Arte di Giuseppe Palumbo 78 tarocchi esoterici ricchi di simboli iniziatici 2011 - Lo Scarabeo Torino |
Franco Coletti
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Emi Tarot’s in 22 Arcani Ed. 12 esemplari numerati e firmati dall’Autori Dedicato ad una bambina speciale e alla sua mamma. Ispirato da ‘Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie’ di Lewis Carroll |
venerdì 17 luglio 2015
Mary Griffin
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MARY GRIFFIN The Hezicos Tarot Mary Griffin enjoys working in most art mediums, but specializes in painting animals, fairies and magical creatures. You can also see examples of her “Trompe l’oeil” on her site Coming from an artistic family, she is fortunate to have been encouraged to be creative all her life. Mary has exhibited in the United Kingdom and sold her artwork in several countries, as well as for many private commissions. Her lovely and charming Hezicos Tarot deck & book set, which was published in early 2010, is already an international hit and ranked 3rd in most popular Tarot decks of 2010 (Aelectic Tarot Forum). Aside from being an accomplished artist, Mary is also a psychic clairvoyant. She resides in Cornwall, England with her wonderfully supportive husband and is a proud mother and grandmother. She is currently hard at work on a children's illustrated storybook. Hezicos Tarot |
M. R. Bassani
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M. R. Bassani I Tarocchi de La casa di Rose Realizzazione M. R. Bassani – Presentazione di Massimo Mutti |
giovedì 16 luglio 2015
Adolfina de Stefani
Morena Poltronieri
Morena Poltronieri
Maria Rita Frazzoni
Anna Setti
Tiziano De Simone
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Tiziano De Simone, ingegnere
per l’ambiente ed il territorio, innovatore, inventore, designer ed
idealista, vive ad Aquileia, ex-megalopoli ed avamposto
militar/commerciale dell’Impero Romano e successiva capitale
dell’omonimo Patriarcato. Classe’76, la maturità scientifica presso il Liceo “A.Einstein” di Cervignano del Friuli, che ne ha plasmato le basi umanistiche ed artistiche, la laurea presso l’Università degli Studi di Trieste, e la successiva abilitazione professionale lo hanno portato a pubblicare nel 2005 un corposo studio (360 pagg) per lo sviluppo ecosostenibile ed il rilancio di Aquileia e della Bassa Pianura Friulana nel XXI sec., ripreso da un seguito nel 2008, entrambi diffusi gratuitamente per finalità di pubblica utilità. Ha alternato periodi lavorativi, in Italia e in Belgio, a successive specializzazioni in innovazione sostenibile per il territorio e per le imprese, brevetti, tecniche innovative per la risoluzione dei problemi, gestione aziendale, presso AREA Science Park, il primo parco scientifico e tecnologico italiano. Al momento docente free-lance presso diversi istituti privati, per lezioni a studenti di istituti superiori, universitari e lavoratori in formazione, continua in autonomia ricerche, progetti, studi, invenzioni. Al contempo partecipa anche a concorsi di design ed artistici, sfruttando la sua passione per le arti grafiche. Tra i vari prodotti artistici, si inserisce la sua produzione di mazzi di tarocchi: fin da bambino appassionato di ignoto e misteri, si è nel tempo approcciato allo studio della parapsicologia, delle tradizioni magiche e degli enigmi irrisolti dei diversi popoli. Possibilista, ma con un approccio curioso ed indagatore, ha approfondito diverse tradizioni divinatorie, apprezzandone al contempo le valenze simboliche, psicologiche, culturali ed antropologiche in generale. Nel ’94 ha miniato il suo primo mazzo di Tarocchi (portato da 78 a 90 carte personalizzate); nel 2008 ha sperimentato diversi linguaggi e temi sfociati in numerosi mazzi di Arcani Maggiori. Tra di essi, anche mazzi di tarocchi realizzati su commessa, con particolari caratteristiche o tematiche. Immagini private oppure fotografie espressamente realizzate allo scopo possono venir fornite per forgiare un mazzo davvero esclusivo. Riferimenti: Web E-mail Tiziano De Simone: environmental and territorial engineer, innovator, inventor, designer and idealist; he lives in Aquileia, once a metropolis of the Roman Empire and military/commercial centre, then used to be capital of the little nation named Patriarcato di Aquileia (nowadays it is set in the north-east of Italy). Born in 1976, he attended scientific studies (Liceo “A.Einstein” of Cervignano del Friuli) where he forged his humanistic and artistic background too; then he obtained the MSc in Environmental & Territorial Engineering (“Università degli Studi di Trieste”- 5 years degree), and he got qualified as professional engineer in Italy; on these basis, he published in 2005 a study of his own: a volume of 360 pages, focused on the sustainable development and future evolution of Aquileia and its boundaries. In 2008, a briefer sequel followed, aimed to the successful growth of 22 towns and cities in the plane of Friuli region during the XXI century: both books have been donated to the authorities and municipalities inserted in the projects. The studies have been divulgated for public interest. He worked both in Italy and Belgium while improving his professional knowledge and capabilities by graduating in several courses: examples of those subjects were solutions for sustainable evolution of territory and enterprises, patents, innovative problem solving techniques, firm management, mainly attended at AREA SCIENCE PARK (the best laboratory campus for research and technology in Italy). Free-lance teacher, at the moment, he works for several private schools and institutes: he offers lessons for pupils, students and workers of different levels, either personalized lessons and courses for classes. At the same time, by his own, he carries on researches, projects, studies and inventions. He also takes part to design competitions and art contests, thanks to his passion for graphic/visual arts. In his art production, are included many decks of cards, mostly tarots: since he was a child, he was attracted by unknown and mysteries; during the years, he explored parapsychology, magical traditions and enigmas of a variety of populations. He gives a chance to every explanation, but approaches to analyze all of them with both curiosity and inquiry methods. By doing that, he got to appreciate the symbolic values, the psychological hints, the cultural and anthropological information that these traditions transmitted. In 1994-95, his first richly illuminated deck of tarots was forged, upgraded from traditional 78 cards to 90; in 2008 he experimented a variety of styles and themes, producing many decks of Maiora Arcana. Among them, also made-to-order Tarots decks, dedicated to various characteristics and personalized arguments. Private pictures as well as new specially taken photos could be provided in order to forge a really exclusive deck. More information at: Web E-mail |