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Menzione speciale, "SMALL WORKS" Giuria: Jack
Shainman, Direttore della Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, New York.
Febbraio 2006. • Premio AIM (Artist in the Marketplace), Bronx, New
York.1996. • SLUMP(South London Undiscovered Masterpieces Prize),
giudicata da Sarah Kent (TimeOut Art Editor) e David Thorp (South London
Gallery), Londra, Inghilterra. 1995. COLLECTIONS: • Dr. Imoberdorff,
Zürich, Switzerland • G.W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York, New York. •
Cheryl McGinnis Gallery, New York, New York. • The Museum of Modern
Art/Franklin Furnace—Artist Book Collection, New York, New York. • Mark
Perry, New York, New York. • Printed Matter, New York, New York. •
Institute of International Education, New York, New York. • IPE
(Institut für Personalentwicklung), Köln, Germany. ALTRE ESPERIENZE
ARTISTICHE: 2002 Painting Panelist per Bronx Recognizes Its Own (BRIO)
Fellowship Awards. 1999 Curatrice “HANGING INSTRUCTIONS” (traveling
exhibit) a Kingsborough Community College Art Gallery at City University
of New York, Brooklyn, New York and at Longwood Art Gallery, Bronx, New
York. 1997 Organizzatrice “REFLECTING POOL”, alla Kenkeleba Gallery,
New York, New York. Scuola: Scuola di Arti visive, Fine Arts Dept., New
York, New York.1987-88. •Werkkunstschule Köln, Fine Arts Dept., Köln,
Germany.B.F.A. 1987. PERSONALe: Nata nel 1962 a Barcelona, Spagna.
Sito web AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS: • Honorable Mention, "SMALL WORKS" Juror: Jack Shainman, Director of Jack Shainman Gallery, New York, New York. February 2006. • AIM (Artist in the Marketplace) Award, Bronx, New York.1996. • SLUMP(South London Undiscovered Masterpieces Prize), judged by Sarah Kent (TimeOut Art Editor) and David Thorp (South London Gallery), London, England. 1995. • Fulbright Scholarship, full grant, Germany/New York.1987-89. COLLECTIONS: • Dr. Imoberdorff, Zürich, Switzerland • G.W. Einstein Company, Inc., New York, New York. • Cheryl McGinnis Gallery, New York, New York. • The Museum of Modern Art/Franklin Furnace—Artist Book Collection, New York, New York. • Mark Perry, New York, New York. • Printed Matter, New York, New York. • Institute of International Education, New York, New York. • IPE (Institut für Personalentwicklung), Köln, Germany. CURATORIAL AND ART RELATED EXPERIENCES: 2002 Painting Panelist for Bronx Recognizes Its Own (BRIO) Fellowship Awards. 1999 Curated “HANGING INSTRUCTIONS” (traveling exhibit) at Kingsborough Community College Art Gallery at City University of New York, Brooklyn, New York and at Longwood Art Gallery, Bronx, New York. 1997 Organized “REFLECTING POOL”, at Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, New York. EDUCATION: School of Visual Arts, Fine Arts Dept., New York, New York.1987-88. •Werkkunstschule Köln, Fine Arts Dept., Köln, Germany.B.F.A. 1987. PERSONAL: Born, 1962 in Barcelona, Spain.Citizenship, German. Website |
Il Museo
Il Museo è collocato in un suggestivo palazzo storico del 1600, completamente restaurato, posto tra Bologna e Pistoia, immerso nel verde. Questa struttura, oltre ad una ricca collezione permanente, offre una serie di eventi culturali e mostre che saranno organizzate all’interno del Museo, ma anche in altre sedi.
Ogni visita sarà una vera sorpresa, anche perché è personalizzata. Infatti Morena ed Ernesto Vi accompagneranno all’interno di questa foresta di simboli, tutta da scoprire… e per questo motivo ricordate che occorre la prenotazione.
The Museum is set in an enchanting historical building of 1600, completely restored, situated between Bologna and Pistoia, among the woods.
This building, apart from being a rich permanent collection, offers a series of cultural events and exhibitions which will be organized not only inside the Museum, but also in the other centres.
Each visit will be a real surprise, also because it is personalized. In fact, Morena and Ernesto will accompany you inside this forest of symbols, all to discover….and for this reason please remember that reservation is needed.
Looking forward to seeing you!!!!!